Onshore And Offshore Site Surveys

We offer a comprehensive Onshore and Offshore Site Inspection Service. This includes examination of all supports on pipelines that require checking and verification; the service includes trouble-shooting of any individual problems as well as an overall system integrity check. 

On all Constant and Variable Spring Supports we check the housings, helical coils, load and travel readings, and an examination of the related ancillary components. An important aspect is to carry out a close examination of the Supports to ensure that there is no advanced corrosion due to any harsh environmental conditions. This is an item that we frequently encounter on our Surveys; supports in question should be replaced as soon as possible as breakage could cause long term damage to the piping systems involved.  

Photographs are taken of every support position and we generate a comprehensive report on all the supports and a listing all the hangers; within the report we categorise the condition of each support and provide our recommendations.

Training and Supervision of installation is also available, and if required by the client we will also provide a quotation for the production for the supports where we recommend replacement. 

Please contact us should you require further details of our Offshore and Onshore Surveys. 

Typical Spring Hanger corrosion problems that are frequently encountered on our Surveys